Welcome to our class blog! Here we will show you some of the exciting things that are happening in 5th Class, Room 12. We hope you like it.

Thursday 7 June 2012

The Legend Johnny Giles' Visit to our School!

Yesterday, our teacher (Mr.Kearins) told us that John Giles would be visiting our school but he would also come into our class for a private visit because his grandson Craig was in our class. So we all got prepared by drawing posters.

We created a very nice display for the big visit!

So, today John Giles came to our school and into our classroom.  We had moved all the chairs and tables and had decorated the room with posters.  Our kindest teacher ever let us take out our phones (which is rare in our school) and we took pictures of him and we got autographs.  A boy out of our class (called Kritish) drew a portrait of John Giles and our class thought it was brilliant. We laminated the drawing and we signed it. After that we went to our P.E. hall where everyone was waiting for him.  After about 5 minutes he came and lots of people started asking him questions (like ‘’How long did you play for Man United?’’).  Then we all were told to go back to our classes because the 3rd and 4th classes were waiting to see him. It was a very enjoyable and memorable day. 
By Joel and Ciara 

The pupils of Room 12 with Johnny Giles!

Signing autographs

Jack was delighted to get his Euro 2012 football signed

Johnny Giles talks to all the children in 5th and 6th classes

There were lots of interesting questions asked

Our Blue Féile Day and Sam Maguire Visits Fiachra's for the 2nd time!

Monday 27 February 2012

News2day features Alan Early's popular book!

Eyewitness Reports!

Spoiler Alert: If you are reading "Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent" then you may not wish to read these eye-witness reports as they could spoil the end of the story for you.

We imagined that we were on O'Connell Street to witness the exciting and dramatic events that took place towards the end of the story (i.e. climax) 

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Our Visit to Coolock Library where we met Alan Early :-)

Alan Early speaks to the pupils of Room 12 who are very excited to meet him! 
We have been busy reading a very exciting book over the past few weeks.  It's called "Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent".  We are......

We were then invited to meet with Alan Early in Coolock....

Have a look at some of the photos from the day.  You may also like to find out more about Arthur Quinn and his adventures by visiting the website :-) Enjoy
Daragh helps Alan out with his story!

Adelina volunteers to get involved in the workshop!

All the children listening attentively to Alan as he speaks to them about how he created the young hero Arthur!

Alan Early reading from his book "Arthur Quinn and the World Serpent"

Nikita, Caitlyn, Adelina, Sarah, Jade and Laura with the creator of Arthur Quinn.

Ellen, Clodagh, Ciara, Leah and Louise with author Alan Early

Matthew, David and Jason with Joseph, Ryan and Alan Early after  getting his autograph!

(From left to right) Luke, Cian, Craig, Robert, Evan and Alan

(left to right) Joel, Seán, Cathal, Kritish and Ibraheem with Alan Early in the background

Julie, Jack Daragh, Ben, Emma and Alan

Monday 30 January 2012

Since Christmas!!

Hello everybody from 5th Class in Room 12!

This is our first class blog!

Since Christmas we have been very busy!

We have been learning about a very famous man called Nelson Mandela.
We are currently doing projects on Africa ....here are some links to help you with your project...

We found out about how bananas make their way from countries such as Ecuador and the Ivory Coast all the way our shops.  We played a game to help us understand how the money we pay for a banana e.g. 30c would be divided up between the different people responsible for bringing the banana to our shops.  These people included the banana picker, plantation owner, shipper, ripener and shop owner!

French Revolution .....

In class we learned about the French Revoloution.We learned that in the 1770's the people of France were ruled by King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette. King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette treated the peasants like slaves.One day when one of the helpers told her that the people in France could not afford bread Marie Antoinette was shocked and she said to her helper  'If they can not eat bread,let them eat cake'. When the people of France heard this they were shocked and they were very angry.People who coomplained about their poor living conditions or the shortage of food for their children were often put into jail.At that time,the most famous jail in France was the Bastille in Paris.In June 1789,middle class people(doctors,teachers,lawyers,buisiness men etc)and poor people formed a new group to help fight for change in the country.They called this group THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY.The king and the nobles did not like this assembly.Rumours spread around Paris that the king was about to send his soldiers to close down the national assembly.On 14 July 1789,thousands of people poured onto the streets of Paris to try and stop the King and his Nobles.The Bastille was attacked and captured.This is called ``The storming of the bastille``The French Revoloution had begun.It was now clear that the king had lost control and the ordinary people of France wanted to be governed by the National Assembly.When the Bastille  was attacked there was only seven people inside  including an irishman.
By Joel and Emma :)
The EU .....

Clay Monsters.....

St. Brigid's Day....

Trip to Coolock Library for workshop with author Alan .....

We have started a tables league in our class.....We are fast becoming table whiiz kids!!